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About the program
The specialty (226 Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy) is aimed at training specialists capable of professional pharmaceutical activity. After passing the program and successfully completing the steps you will receive a state diploma, practice-oriented knowledge and experience of practical classes.
  • 5 years
    (4 years – bachelor)
    study duration
  • Full-time
  • Diploma
    state standard
Key disciplines
  • Inorganic and organic chemistry
  • Microbiology with the basics of immunology
  • Pharmacy technology of medicines
  • Management and marketing in pharmacy
  • Clinical pharmacy
  • Pharmacognosy
Competitive offer for admission
at the bachelor's level of higher education
Competitive offer
1. Ukrainian language and literature - 100
2. Mathematics or chemistry - 150
3. Biology or physics - 150
* Or a rating score of at least 175
Competitive offer for admission
to the master's level of higher education
Competitive offer
1. Ukrainian language and literature
2. Biology
3. Chemistry or mathematics
* Competitive score not less than 150
Competitive offer
1. Ukrainian language and literature
2. Mathematics
3. Biology or chemistry
* Competitive score not less than 150
Competitive offer
1. Ukrainian language and literature
2. Biology
3. Foreign language or history of Ukraine
* Competitive score not less than 150
Learning process
You will receive after successful addition of 2 steps
Obtaining a certificate of completion of training after the successful completion of the 3rd step
Choose a direction for your career growth
After graduating, you become a highly qualified pharmacist and have the right to independent pharmaceutical work (manufacture of drugs) and to manage a pharmacy.
Upon receiving a master's degree, you become a qualified pharmacist
Our contacts for communication
Odessa, Fontanskaya road, 23a
Visit us
Questions? Ask them to us
Frequently Asked Questions
Odesa, Fontanskaya road, 23a

Phone: +38 (093) 536-70-04
+38 (048) 719-88-38
Email: omi.mgu@gmail.com
Instagram: @fdf_mgu
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