The Department of General Dentistry of the Odessa Medical Institute was created in 2013. Since 2016, the department has become a professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honors of the Children of Science and Technology of Ukraine Chulak Leonid Dmitrovich. Prof. Chulak L.D. є a member of the specialized doctoral dissertations, a member of the editorial board of 3 specialized scientific institutions in Ukraine and beyond the cordon. 18 Candidates of Medical Sciences, 2 Doctors of Medical Sciences, 21 higher qualifications for foreign powers were prepared under the Yoga Kerіvnitstvom. Today, the department is expanding its scientific and practical base, dental centers, cabinets are being created, which are actively victorious at the initial process. Students of stomatological specialty under the supervision of facilitators of the department gain the best experience and are widely involved in carrying out preventive examinations and advisory assistance to the population of Odesa.
The centers are created with the most advanced dental technology, which allows you to start the process of advanced progress to the point of curing the disease of a tooth-splitting plant.
About us
Professorial staff
Chulak Leonid Dmitrovich
Ukrainian doctor of dentistry, head of the department of general dentistry, director of the university clinic of Moscow State University, professor, doctor of medical sciences, merited child of science and technology.
Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Secretary General of the Association of Periodontists of Ukraine, Vice President of the Association of Laser Dentistry of Ukraine. Member of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP).